< Volver Frumolde takes part in K'2022 As in previous editions, Frumolde Tooling will be present at K'2022, which will take place in October in the city of Dusseldorf, Germany. Receiving our customers, establishing contacts with decision-makers from new sectors of activity, presenting the range of products and the new installed capacity, are some of the goals of this participation. Germany, Czech Republic and Austria are the main destinations for current exports, but Frumolde, despite the strong focus on Europe, works for all 5 continents. The aim is to establish more contacts with companies in Mexico, USA and Eastern Europe. Automotive, medicine and electronics are its main business areas.K is considered the world reference fair, dedicated to the plastic and rubber sector, in particular in the area of injection moulds, raw materials, technical products and services, reinforced plastics, machinery and equipment for the industry. In the last edition, in 2019, more than 3,000 exhibitors from 60 countries were present and it was visited by around 225,000 visitors.